Asanas Yoga to combat asthma

4 Postures Yoga to Combat Asthma and Breathe Better

It is considered that the way each person breathes will have an effect on their state of mind. Therefore, when practicing Yoga to combat asthma is taught how to breathe properly and that by doing so the person is aware, so likewise people are instructed on the importance of breathing and also achieve peace at the mental, physical and spiritual.

With the simple fact of applying certain breathing techniques for approximately two minutes, it will be enough to recharge your energy and also feel full of courage.

You can even have such a significant control of your breathing that if you need to stay up all night then you should breathe through the right orifice of the nose to not fall asleep, and if the opposite is the case, that is to say that the person wants to sleep quietly then where you should breathe is the left orifice of the nose.

Breathing can become so important that it can combat significant vices, as is the case of the cigarette, since by means of a technique called cobra it is possible to replace it.

There is also a technique called »Lion», and is very effective when people go to parties or have meetings and in them consume a lot of alcohol and eat a lot of junk food, as this technique is very effective detoxifying the body.

Posture Yoga to combat asthma and wheezing

Therefore, there is no doubt about the great importance that breathing has in yoga, since with it it is possible to regulate the state of mind, emotions, concentration, among others.

This means that when practicing yoga, learning to control breathing should be one of the first objectives of people.


Yoga to combat asthma and its effectiveness

The different postures that are made when practicing Yoga to combat asthma can contribute significantly in those who suffer from asthma, even can make them have a lower need for inhalers and also reduces the amount of medication they must consume.

But to fully understand how effective yoga can be in reducing asthma symptoms, it is first essential to have some knowledge of what asthma really is.

Therefore, asthma is a chronic pathology that harms the respiratory system, it is usually characterized by hyperactivity in the airways.

This disease causes the airways to become inflamed and therefore narrow. This causes wheezing, difficulty in breathing, tightness in the chest, coughing, etc.

Practicing Yoga to combat asthma when suffering from this disease makes it reduce completely the responses that produce asthma and allergies, not only physically controls them but also controls them emotionally and mentally.

Asthma is closely related to a person’s stress, emotions and mind. Therefore, yoga is a great option for dealing with this disease as it slows down symptoms and relieves asthma.

The way yoga works with regard to asthma is through the restoration of inner peace, bearing in mind that being at peace does not mean not having any kind of problem or difficult situations, since all this is out of people’s hands, in reality peace is what you have even in difficult times.

In this way, the capacity of the lungs and other organs is increased, which leads to a cleansing of the blood and therefore health from a general point of view is also optimized while raising energy levels so that the person can feel an integral welfare and thus feel full of life.

Asanas Yoga to combat asthma in telugu

Yoga Postures to Combat Asthma

Asana of the legs elevated against the wall

You have to sit on one side and quite close to the wall bending your legs a bit. Then make a double movement in which you will lean back until your back is against the floor and front to the wall.

Subsequently, elevate your legs resting them on the same wall. Then you rearrange your hips, bringing them as close as possible to the wall by aligning and stretching your spine. It is important to relax your head and neck.


Asana of the dog face down

First you should be skinny and lean your body from the hips forward, so that your hands end up leaning on the floor.

You should keep both hands and both feet at a certain distance from each other which should be aligned across the shoulders, and the fingers of each hand separated and stretched.

You have to put pressure on the palms of your hands keeping your hip back. It is crucial that you relax your neck and keep this position for approximately 3 minutes.


Wave Movement

You have to lie on your back, making sure your spine is straight. Move your knees towards your chest, supporting both hands on them.

 It is important that you observe that your chin is a little down. Then coordinate the movement of your legs with your breathing so that you breathe out as your thighs approach your abdomen and breathe in as your knees move away from your chest.

These movements should be made softly and slowly keeping your hips always resting on the floor and hands on your knees for the duration of the exercise.

Treatments yoga to combat asthma research

Asana of the sitting clamp

To carry out this posture you have to support yourself using cushion, blanket or some object that can give you a little height and serve as support for your head.

To begin with, you have to sit stretching your legs in front of you and place the object you will use as a support on top of them.

Bend your body forward until your cheek touches the support you use. You need to relax your hip, spine, shoulders, chest and neck as well as relax your breathing.

You should hold this position for 10 minutes and keep a gentle breath through your nose.


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